Parenting Podcast

Helping Kids Find Their Calling with Roland Chandler, Gray Gardner, and Lindsay Knuckles

When it comes to purpose and calling, parents are primary voices and guides in the lives of their kids, and it’s more simple than it seems. For visit and for more info about the Kids and Student Ministries of Forest Hill.

Parenting Podcast

Reviving the Dream with Jason Smith and Mekdes Haddis

April 4th marked the 50 year anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King Jr. His life and legacy was monumental and, as parents, it should still influence how we raise our kids to keep his dream alive.

Reviving the Dream is also an event to honor the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Find out more about the event at

You can find out more about our kids ministry at, and our student ministry at

Parenting Podcast

A Parent’s Secret Weapon with Deanna Lee

We can’t parent alone, and as followers of Jesus we all have a responsibility to encourage and inspire the life and faith of every generation.

Parenting Podcast

Protecting Your Family from Pornography with Ryan Carson

Pornography is a tough topic, but we have a responsibility to protect our families and raise our kids in the ways of purity.

Parenting Podcast

Adventure Joe and The Island of Lost Bones

Check out the latest family experience story and be enjoy it together with your elementary and preschool aged children.

You can find out more about our Family Ministry areas online at, and

Parenting Podcast

What Every Good Parent Knows with Loren Burris, Darren Russo, and Sally Warren

What does it take to be a good parent? Listen in as we share five principles for parenting well.

Parenting Podcast

If Not You, Then Who with Frank Bealer

Our children need multiple positive influences in their lives, but no one can impact the life and faith of a child quiet like a parent.

Parenting Podcast

The Family That Worships Together… with Yancy

Recording artist and worship leader, Yancy, discusses the ways worship shapes and strengthens the lives of our kids and families. To find out more about Yancy and her music visit You can find her music on itunes and spotify as well.

Parenting Podcast

Raising Joyful Kids with Julie Sale

In the effort to make our kids happy, joy is what we truly want for them.

Parenting Podcast

The Four Tech Battles Worth Fighting with Amy Carney

If it feels like technology is taking over your life or family, Amy Carney shares four ways to prioritize what matters most. You can also read Amy’s article here: